Are You Guilty Of These 8 Instagram Crimes On Social Media?

Jan 26, 2019

Welcome to OptWizard SEO, your trusted partner in the world of online marketing and search engine optimization. In this article, we will delve into the 8 common Instagram crimes that people unknowingly commit on social media platforms. As an expert in the business and consumer services industry, we aim to educate and provide valuable insights to help you avoid these damaging practices.

The Power of Instagram

Instagram has revolutionized the way we share and consume visual content. With over a billion monthly active users, it offers incredible potential for businesses and individuals to connect with their target audience. However, many are unaware of the best practices and ethical guidelines that should be followed on this platform.

The 8 Instagram Crimes to Avoid

1. Buying Fake Followers

One of the most common Instagram crimes is the act of buying fake followers. While it may seem tempting to boost your follower count overnight, it is an unethical practice that can harm your brand's reputation. Genuine engagement and follower growth are more valuable than inflated numbers.

2. Engagement Manipulation

Manipulating engagement metrics, such as likes and comments, is another offense that should be avoided. Instagram's algorithm is constantly evolving to prioritize genuine interactions. Focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience to naturally increase engagement.

3. Using Bots and Automation

Using bots and automation tools to perform actions on Instagram is not only against the platform's terms of service but also detrimental to your credibility. Genuine engagement cannot be replaced by automated activities, which often lead to irrelevant interactions and spam-like behavior.

4. Ignoring Accessibility

Instagram is a visual platform, but it's crucial not to forget about accessibility. Avoid the crime of excluding individuals with visual impairments by adding alt text to your images and ensuring captions accurately describe the content. Making your content accessible to all enhances inclusivity and expands your reach.

5. Content Misrepresentation

Misleading your audience through misrepresented content is a severe Instagram crime. Authenticity and transparency should be at the core of your social media strategy. Ensure that your posts accurately reflect your brand, products, and services to develop trust with your followers.

6. Neglecting Community Guidelines

Don't disregard Instagram's community guidelines. Violating these guidelines can lead to account suspension or permanent deletion. Familiarize yourself with the platform's rules and regulations to ensure your activities align with Instagram's policies.

7. Overusing Hashtags

Hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing reach and discoverability, but misusing them is considered an Instagram crime. Using irrelevant or excessive hashtags can come across as spammy, potentially damaging your reputation. Research popular and industry-specific hashtags relevant to your content to attract the right audience.

8. Neglecting Analytics

Last but not least, neglecting analytics is a common crime committed on Instagram. To improve your strategy, it is essential to analyze your performance, understand your audience, and identify trends. Take advantage of the platform's built-in analytics features or consider using third-party tools to gain valuable insights.


Now that you're aware of these 8 Instagram crimes, it's essential to review your social media practices and rectify any potential missteps. Building an authentic and engaged Instagram presence requires time, effort, and a commitment to ethical principles.

At OptWizard SEO, we specialize in providing top-notch SEO services in the business and consumer services industry. Our team of experts can help you optimize your online presence across various platforms, including Instagram. Contact us today to learn how we can elevate your social media strategy and ensure your digital success.

Jennifer Laning
The wisdom shared in this article is a testament to promoting healthier social media interactions.
Nov 11, 2023
Carol Gurchiek
So informative! Thanks, guys! ?
Nov 8, 2023
Kristi Knowles
I appreciate the author's efforts in shedding light on these crucial Instagram crimes.
Nov 6, 2023
Gigi Smith
I'm taking the advice in this article to heart. It's time to rethink my social media behavior.
Nov 6, 2023
Ty Montague
Wow, I never realized how many Instagram crimes I've been committing! ? Thanks for the eye-opening insights! ??
Oct 17, 2023
Roy Ackerman
The practical advice in this article is something that all social media users should take to heart.
Oct 17, 2023
Erik Hooff
These reminders are exactly what the social media community needs right now. Thank you for the valuable insights.
Oct 4, 2023
Lauren Ambrozic
I'm revisiting my approach to social media after reading this article. It's been a beneficial eye-opener.
Sep 28, 2023
Jean-Pierre Snyers
The reminders in this article are essential for all social media users to take on board.
Sep 2, 2023
Jim Daniels
Refreshing to see an article that encourages responsible social media practices.
Jul 22, 2023
Mikey Williams
This article brings up important points about ethical social media use. A must-read for everyone!
Jun 7, 2023
Anton Rabie
The depth of information in this article is commendable. Thanks for the eye-opening content.
May 29, 2023
Mikkel Brenoe-Jensen
The insights in this article are eye-opening. We all need to be more conscious of our online behavior.
May 21, 2023
Bruce Frantz
The author's commitment to promoting ethical social media use shines through this article. A must-read for all.
Apr 20, 2023
Giuseppe Gonzalez
This article offers a breath of fresh air in the conversation about ethical social media use.
Apr 17, 2023
Deb User
I'm taking notes from this article. It's time to make some positive changes to my social media habits.
Mar 22, 2023
Lori Galles
I'm grateful for the practical advice shared in this article. It's time for a social media reset!
Feb 26, 2023
Beverly Irwin
These practical suggestions are exactly what the social media community needs. Thank you for the valuable advice.
Jan 9, 2023
Andrea Blieden
This article encourages much-needed reflection on our approach to social media.
Dec 20, 2022
Jeannie Welsch
Thanks for the valuable insights. This article is a valuable contribution to promoting responsible social media use.
Nov 18, 2022
David Staley
Valuable insights into promoting a healthier social media environment. Thank you for the practical advice.
Oct 23, 2022
Susan Cirami
I admire the author's deep understanding of these Instagram crimes. It's an invaluable contribution.
Aug 10, 2022
Mario Montag
It's refreshing to see an article that highlights the pitfalls of Instagram use.
Jul 5, 2022
Joy Odom
This is a fantastic read with much-needed insights into responsible social media use.
Jul 1, 2022
Jared Krieyel
The practical suggestions in this article are a breath of fresh air. Thank you for the valuable guidance.
Jun 30, 2022
Joerg Pohl
The practical suggestions in this article are much needed. Thank you for the valuable insights.
May 21, 2022
Larry Godec
Great insights! I didn't realize some of these were considered Instagram crimes.
Apr 23, 2022
Katherine Weeks
I've found this article to be very enlightening. The Instagram crimes are often overlooked.
Apr 9, 2022
Ishta Richmond
I'm impressed by the thorough exploration of these Instagram crimes. Timely and relevant.
Mar 6, 2022
Joseph Carroll
I'm sharing this with my friends. It's an essential read for anyone on social media.
Feb 17, 2022
Galo Lopez
Thank you for highlighting these Instagram crimes with such a well-informed perspective.
Feb 17, 2022
Chris Saylor
I'm taking this article as a call to action to reassess my social media behavior. Thank you.
Feb 7, 2022
Lacey Veech
Thanks for the reminders. It's important for social media users to be aware of these Instagram crimes.
Jan 19, 2022
Seona Kim
This article has left a deep impression. It's time for me to take more responsibility for my social media actions.
Jan 12, 2022
Don Heer
? The author did an exceptional job of outlining these Instagram crimes. It's a must-read!
Dec 25, 2021
Ben Bhatt
Thanks for the practical suggestions. We can all benefit from being more mindful of our online conduct.
Nov 12, 2021
I appreciate the thorough analysis of these Instagram crimes. It's a wake-up call for many.
Oct 24, 2021
Joe Jakubowicz
? Great job on outlining the Instagram crimes that people may not be aware of!
Oct 14, 2021
Area Manager
This article raises important points about responsible social media use.
Sep 15, 2021
Michael Daniels
? Kudos to the author for highlighting these Instagram crimes. It's an important conversation to have!
Jul 12, 2021
Jarvis Key
Thank you for the important reminders in this article. Social media users need to be more mindful.
Jun 18, 2021
William Bord
I'm taking the advice from this article seriously. It's time for a more conscientious approach to social media.
Jun 7, 2021
Remy Dixon
Highly appreciative of the author for highlighting these often overlooked Instagram crimes.
May 29, 2021
David Engel
A well-presented piece that is a strong advocate for responsible online behavior. Kudos to the author!
May 26, 2021
Robert Lynden
This article is an excellent guide for anyone looking to improve their social media conduct.
May 18, 2021
Mathew McCatty
I'm glad I came across this article. It's a wake-up call for many social media users.
May 15, 2021
Gussie Miller
The social media landscape needs more discussions like this. Well done!
May 10, 2021
Elizabeth Altman
I see this article as an essential resource for anyone looking to foster positive social media interactions.
May 9, 2021
David Law
I'm sharing this article with my connections. It's a wake-up call for many on social media.
May 1, 2021
Mary O'Dwyer
I'm taking these reminders to heart. It's time to make some positive changes for a healthier online environment.
Apr 25, 2021
Bill Grande
I completely agree with the article. It's surprising how many people are unaware of these Instagram crimes.
Apr 10, 2021
Geoffrey Turoff
I'll be sharing this article to spark meaningful conversations about ethical social media use.
Apr 9, 2021
Douglas Langford
Thanks for shedding light on these Instagram crimes. It's time to step up our social media behavior.
Apr 6, 2021
N Aakalu
Highly pleased with the thorough examination of these Instagram crimes in this article.
Apr 6, 2021
Diego Rehder
I'm guilty of some of these Instagram crimes. Time to change my ways!
Mar 23, 2021
Laurie Frake
A timely reminder to reassess our social media conduct. Thank you for the valuable insights.
Mar 20, 2021
Jerry Peters
? This article hits the nail on the head when it comes to addressing these Instagram crimes. Bravo!
Mar 8, 2021
Erle Hoppe
The practical suggestions in this article are essential for fostering a more positive social media culture.
Mar 3, 2021
Jamie Gray
This article confronts some uncomfortable truths about social media behavior. Time for a change!
Mar 3, 2021
Jack Robison
The author's dedication to addressing these Instagram crimes is highly commendable. Kudos!
Feb 19, 2021
Chris T
This article has brought my attention to the need for more responsible social media use. A thought-provoking piece!
Jan 22, 2021
Paul Adams
This article made me rethink my approach to Instagram. Thank you for the valuable advice.
Dec 25, 2020
Kinsey Angerstein
I enjoyed reading this article. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
Dec 23, 2020
Akazha Roberts
I'm impressed by the depth of analysis presented in this article. It's a valuable resource for social media users.
Dec 13, 2020
Alex Fox
I found this article very helpful and informative. Thank you for sharing!
Dec 4, 2020
Laura Owner
The author has done an excellent job of articulating the importance of responsible social media use.
Nov 21, 2020
Jim Orr
An important read for anyone active on social media. Thank you for the valuable reminders.
Sep 1, 2020
Devon Seibel
This article effectively addresses the importance of ethical social media use. Well done!
Aug 20, 2020
Paul Goldstein
This article is a vital reminder for all social media users to reevaluate their online conduct.
Jul 18, 2020
Mike Orgler
The points made in this article are crucial for promoting a healthier social media environment.
Jul 8, 2020
Jayamon Nedumpurathu
I'm grateful for the author's diligent work in highlighting the importance of responsible social media use.
Jul 5, 2020
Cesar Romero
? I commend the author for offering such insightful guidance on responsible social media use.
Jun 23, 2020
Gary Cromer
This is a great resource for educating social media users about responsible online behavior.
Jun 20, 2020
I've learned something new today. It's crucial to be mindful of our digital footprint.
Jun 16, 2020
Brian Folkman
Interesting read. It's important to be aware of our online behavior.
Jun 4, 2020
Lakesha Smith
? I commend the author for addressing these Instagram crimes. It's an essential conversation to have!
Jun 2, 2020
Giovanni Verreschi
This article is a much-needed wake-up call for social media users. Time to reevaluate our conduct!
May 22, 2020
Riley Kissee
The author did a great job of highlighting these Instagram crimes. It's a wake-up call for many.
May 19, 2020
Sandie Harris
This article was an eye-opener. We all need to be more conscious of our social media actions.
Apr 25, 2020
Jennifer Reddy
A thought-provoking piece. We all need to reflect on our social media habits.
Apr 15, 2020
Cindy Constantino
I appreciate the effort put into examining these Instagram crimes. It's a real eye-opener.
Mar 5, 2020
Edna Earl
? I appreciate the thorough analysis of these Instagram crimes. It's time for a change in our social media behavior.
Feb 28, 2020
Morgan Whiterabbit
Informative piece. Social media users should definitely take note of these Instagram crimes.
Feb 25, 2020
Kip Killpack
The tips and reminders in this article are a valuable contribution to promoting responsible social media use.
Feb 21, 2020
Nazir Ibrahim
I'll be sharing this article to encourage more responsible social media conduct. Thank you for the guidance.
Feb 10, 2020
Todd Rohani
These reminders are exactly what the social media world needs right now. Thank you for the valuable insights.
Jan 24, 2020
Todd Huston
Thanks for the reminder. It's easy to forget the impact of our online behavior.
Nov 24, 2019
Hugo Hemmen
This article serves as a timely reminder for me to reassess my social media conduct. Thank you.
Oct 17, 2019
George Humphries
I've gained a new perspective on my social media conduct after reading this article. Thank you.
Oct 8, 2019
Sara Bonds
Kudos to the author for addressing these common Instagram crimes.
Oct 3, 2019
Paul Acocella
I'm sharing this article to encourage everyone to reflect on their social media actions. It's a crucial conversation.
Sep 22, 2019
Jeff Carnley
The practical advice shared here is essential for fostering a healthier online community.
Sep 15, 2019
Valuable insights into responsible social media use. I appreciate the practical advice.
Aug 31, 2019
Paul L'estrange
? The author's insights into these Instagram crimes are commendable. A truly valuable read!
Aug 8, 2019
Joshua Carter
I love how this article covers the dos and don'ts of using Instagram. It's a must-read!
Jul 27, 2019
Andrew Hsu
This article provides an excellent overview of Instagram crimes to be wary of.
Jul 4, 2019
Judy Musgrove
I never thought about these Instagram crimes before. Thanks for shedding light on this topic.
Jun 22, 2019
Hallie Aquilla
I'm bookmarking this article. It's a useful reference for anyone using Instagram.
Jun 4, 2019
Dan Kim
I'm grateful for the insightful advice in this article. It's time to make positive changes.
May 17, 2019
Luann Stine
This article has prompted me to take a good, hard look at my social media habits. Thank you for the valuable guidance.
May 7, 2019
Brad Dean
I'm glad to have stumbled upon this article. It's a crucial reminder for all social media users.
May 3, 2019
Sarah Lateale
I appreciate the proactive approach towards addressing these Instagram crimes.
Apr 29, 2019
Adam Keller
I appreciate the practical tips. Social media etiquette is so important.
Apr 16, 2019
Dave Dowler
This article deserves widespread attention. It offers vital insights into ethical social media use.
Mar 28, 2019
C Pyle
The tips in this article are on point! Thanks for shedding light on these Instagram crimes.
Mar 12, 2019
Erin Deemer
The insights shared in this article are thought-provoking and much appreciated. Thank you.
Mar 6, 2019
Ziwei Mao
A well-articulated piece that serves as a vital guide for ethical social media use.
Mar 1, 2019
Bill Huva
Thank you for bringing attention to these Instagram crimes. It's definitely a wake-up call.
Feb 20, 2019